
Over 60 Fully Funded International Scholarships for Africa Women From Developing Countries | Apply

Over 60 Fully Funded International Scholarships for Africa Women from developing countries of the world especially those from Africa, looking for international scholarships for women from Africa and developing countries? In today’s article, we bring you a comprehensive list of scholarships for women.

Over 60 Fully Funded International

This category includes scholarships strictly offered to women. These scholarships are for Bachelors, Masters and PhD studies in addition to other opportunities such as Fellowships, Research and Training etc.

Over 60 Fully Funded International

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1.     WAAW Foundation Undergraduate STEM Scholarships for Young African Women

The Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) foundation aim to increase the pipeline of African women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related disciplines, and work to ensure that this talent is engaged in African innovation.

WAAW awards its scholarship program for African women, offering $500/year for need-based female African students admitted to a University, College or institute of higher learning in Africa.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Scholarships are renewable annually, following proof of the student’s continued academic performance.

Application Deadline: 15th October.

Number of Scholarship: Several

Value of Scholarship: Scholarship recipients will receive an award of $500 for the academic year, or the equivalent in their country’s local currency. Scholarship recipients may reapply for renewal the following year, with proof of continued excellent academic performance.

Duration of Scholarship: Scholarship is a onetime fund but is renewable annually, following proof of the student’s continued academic performance.    Over 60 Fully Funded International

2.     Zawadi Africa Education Fund Undergraduate Scholarship for Women

Zawadi Africa Education Fund is a leadership development program that provides university scholarships and leadership development and life skills training to academically gifted but financially disadvantaged African girls, with the objective of developing a pipeline of young African women leaders.

Over 60 Fully Funded International

The program provide undergraduate scholarships to pursue higher education in the US and other parts of Africa.

Application Deadline: 6th April

Eligible African Countries: Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Mozambique.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, the following criteria must be met:

A girl who has completed her secondary school examination i.e.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE)
Has demonstrated academic excellence (A Plain or A Minus).    Over 60 Fully Funded International

Has demonstrated leadership qualities e.g. in school as a prefect, in the community, church, leadership in peer related activities etc.

Has overcome insurmountable odds such as serious financial challenges, oppressive social-cultural practices such as early marriages and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) etc. in order to attain academic excellence.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Come from a financially disadvantaged background.
Has demonstrated clear financial need

3.     Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation Young Women’s Scholarship

Peace Corps Nigeria Alumni Foundation scholarship program was created in an effort to help ease the financial burden of students with outstanding academic and leadership potential that are facing difficulties securing the funds needed to complete their undergraduate studies because they have an international student visa and cannot seek outside employment to finance their education.

Application Deadline: 28th April

Number of Scholarships: two (2)

Value of Scholarship: PCNAF will award two $2000 scholarships to promising female college students.

4.     Helen Lansdowne Resor (HLR) Scholarship for Creative Female Advertising Students

The international Helen Lansdowne Resor (HLR) Scholarship supports and promotes talented female creative advertising students from around the world in honor of the industry’s first female copywriter, Helen Lansdowne Resor.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

The program will run through 2020.

Application Deadline: 14th May

Number of Scholarships: 5

Value of Scholarship:

Each year, the HLR Scholarship seeks to award five female creative students scholarships up to $10,000.

In addition, each recipient will receive a paid summer internship at a J. Walter Thompson office in her respective region, an offer of a J. Walter Thompson mentor and “first look” placement consideration upon graduation.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

5.     Makerere University MasterCard Foundation Scholarships for African Students
Makerere University has partnered with The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) to support 1,000 academically bright but economically disadvantaged youth from Africa to access quality university education from 2013 to 2024.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University offers scholarship opportunities for both national and international students who will be joining the University for undergraduate education.

Number of Scholarships: a total of 1,000 students through 10 year period of the scholars program.

Value of Scholarship: Full scholarship

Duration of Scholarship: For the period of the undergraduate degree.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

6.     NWAG Scholarships for Female Undergraduates in Nigerian Universities
Each year the Nigerian Women Association of Georgia (NWAG) offers undergraduate Scholarships for Nigerian female students in Nigerian universities on any course of study.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

NWAG award up to 37 one-time scholarships, one per state of origin as well as one for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), in the amount of one hundred thousand Naira (N100,000) each.

Application Deadline: 30th May

Number of Scholarships: Thirty-Seven (37)

Value of Award: One Hundred thousand naira (N100,000)

Duration of Scholarship: The NWAG scholarship is a onetime award

7.     LSE Pauline Graham Undergraduate Scholarship for African Women – UK
Pauline Avigès Graham graduated from LSE with a BSc in Accounting in 1965.

She was a scholarship recipient herself in Egypt where she was born and brought up.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Having had the opportunity to study at LSE, she is now keen to be an education benefactor herself and has provided a generous endowment which enables the School to offer an annual scholarship of up to £15,000.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

The Pauline Graham scholarship is available for women from Africa who desire to undertake undergraduate studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Application Deadline: 26th April

Number of Awardees: 1

Value of Scholarship: £15,000.

Duration of Scholarship: One-time

8.     Science Ambassador Scholarship for Young Women in STEM Fields – USA
Comedy card game Cards Against Humanity has opens applications for their Science Ambassador Scholarship, a full ride scholarship for women studying science, technology, engineering, or math. The ideal candidate will be an ambassador for their field.

The program is looking for someone passionate about discovery who shares their excitement with others. To apply, submit a three–minute video of yourself explaining a topic in science you are passionate about.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Application Deadline: 11th December.

Number of Awardees: 1

Value of Scholarship: The winner of the Science Ambassador Scholarship will receive full tuition coverage for up to four years.

9.     Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship for Female Undergraduate Students in STEM Fields
Adobe Research creates innovative technologies for software products to better serve consumers, creative professionals, developers, and enterprises.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Adobe brings together the smartest, most driven people to give them the freedom to nurture their intellectual curiosity, while providing them the necessary resources and support to shape their ideas into tangible results.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

To bring more gender diversity to the technology industry, Adobe invites applications to the Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship.    Over 60 Fully Funded International

The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship recognizes outstanding undergraduate female students anywhere in the world who are studying computer science.

Application Deadline: 31st October

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: The Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship includes:

A $10,000 award paid once.  Over 60 Fully Funded International
A Creative Cloud subscription membership for one year.

An Adobe Research mentor.    Over 60 Fully Funded International
An opportunity to interview for an internship at Adobe.

10.                         MasterCard Foundation Scholarships for African W
omen at Wellesley College – USA

Wellesley College USA partners with the MasterCard Foundation Scholarship Program to educate African women.

As part of the Scholars Program, Wellesley will provide nine (9) African women with comprehensive support that includes scholarships, mentoring, counseling, and internship opportunities.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Over 60 Fully Funded International

Scholars at Wellesley will build experiences, values, and competencies that are critical to success in the global economy, and that enable them to give back to their communities and home countries.

Application Deadline: 1st November

Number of Scholarships: Nine (The students will arrive in groups of three students each year.)

Value of Scholarship:

Comprehensive scholarships: Support for tuition, fees, books and supplies, room and meal plan, and more.
21st-century skills:

Training in skill areas relevant to employment success.
Transition assistance: Mentoring, career counseling, leadership development, and other life-skills coaching
Internships and career opportunities:

Access to job opportunities across the African continent
Give-back support: Experiential learning and opportunities for volunteerism and community service

Duration of Scholarship: Four years

11.     Harvard University International Women’s Research in Religion Studies
Each year Harvard Divinity School selects five candidates for full-time Research Associate and Visiting Faculty positions in its Women’s Studies in Religion Program.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Proposals for book-length research projects using both religion and gender as central categories of analysis are welcomed.

They may address women and religion in any time, place, or religious tradition, and may utilize disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches from across the fields of theology, the humanities, and the social sciences.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Application Deadline: 15th October.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

Number of Awardees: five

Value of Fellowship: Salary of up to $60,000 and includes health benefits and reimbursement of some expenses.

Duration of Fellowship: The appointment is full-time, lasting ten months

12.  SAWISE Hope & Angus Scholarship for African Women in Science and Technology

The Association of South African Women in Science and Engineering (SA WISE) is a dynamic association for all those who support the idea of strengthening the role of women in science and engineering in South Africa.

The Hope Scholarship is for Honors/4th year level young women, preferably in the sciences and/or related field (medical included).

Preference will be given to a candidate experiencing financial difficulty or distress.

Application Deadline: 15th November

Number of Scholarships: Not Specified

Value of Scholarship: Recipients will receive R15 000.

Duration of Scholarship: One year, full-time study.

13.                        Women in Aviation International Scholarships for International Students
Women in Aviation International scholarships are awarded annually to women and sometimes male members (students, teachers and professionals) who want to further their studies in Aviation.

Applicants must be a member of Women in Aviation International by November 1, and may apply for no more than two scholarships.

The WAI scholarships also help teachers fulfill their dreams, by providing them with the resources they need to bring aviation into their classrooms or to enhance their skills.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

The scholarship awards are a major part of what the organization is all about.

Application Deadline: 13th November

Value of Scholarship: $1500.

Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the winner’s educational institution. Funds can be used for tuition, books or fees related to obtaining the A & P from an AMT School in the U.S.

Number of Awardees: Two(2)

14.                        University of Michigan Centre for the Education of Women (CEW) Scholarships

Thanks to the generosity of individuals, organizations, clubs, and foundations, CEW has awarded over 1,600 scholarships since 1970.

CEW Scholarship Awards are invaluable they often mean the difference between completing a degree or not doing so, for many students at the University of Michigan.

Due to the generosity of donors, CEW was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for students of all genders on the Ann Arbor campus.

Application Deadline: 1st March.

Number of Scholarship: Approximately 40 scholarships are awarded annually

Value of Scholarship: ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, with some larger scholarship awards given.

15.                        Eira Davies Under/Postgraduate Scholarship for Women in Developing Countries

The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship, which shall be awarded from time to time by the Senate of Swansea University on the basis of academic merit and/or financial need and which shall contribute to tuition fees, shall be tenable for such period as determined by the Senate and shall be subject to satisfactory academic progress and to such other terms and conditions as the University shall stipulate.

It is a condition of the award of the Eira Francis Davies Scholarship that the student agrees to return to her country for work or study upon completion of degree studies at Swansea University.

Application Deadline: 1st June

Number of Awardees: Not specified

Value of Award: The Eira Francis Davies Scholarship is a full tuition fee scholarship.

How to Apply: Visit link below

16.                        Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarships for International Students

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship offers annually by the Zonta International Club for women in different parts of the world.

international scholarships women

Because Zonta International believes in gender equality, the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship program helps women pursue undergraduate and master’s degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom.

international scholarships women

Application Deadline: Varies (see link below)

Number of Scholarships: Up to 32 scholarships

Value of Scholarship:

Zonta International awards scholarships of US$2,000 each at the district/region level and six international scholarships in the amount of US$8,000 each.

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded annually and may be used for tuition, books or living expenses at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees.

17.                        BHW Group Women in STEM Academic Scholarship
The BHW Group offers Women in STEM academic scholarship.

Application Deadline: 15th April

Over 60 Fully Funded International

Eligibility: Women who are pursuing an undergraduate or master’s degree and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics during the school year.

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of the Program: $3000

18.                        Women Techmakers Scholarship Program for Women

Through the Women Techmakers Scholars Programme – formerly the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Programme – Google is furthering Dr. Anita Borg’s vision of creating gender equality in the field of computer science by encouraging women to excel in computing and technology and become active leaders and role models in the field.

Application Deadline: 1st December

Number of Scholarships: Several

Duration of Program: The Women Techmakers Scholarship is a one-time scholarship.

Value of Scholarship:

The scholarship recipients will each receive a €7,000 (or equivalent) scholarship.

A retreat opportunity to connect with fellow scholars and Google mentors, while participating in professional and personal development trainings and workshops.

Over 60 Fully Funded International

An online network with fellow scholars’ program participants designed to share resources, support the global community of women in tech and collaborate on projects to make continued impact.

19. Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) Scholarship Challenge

The Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) is seeking applications from students who are interested in a culinary study scholarship to the school.

Scholarship winners are selected by public votes.

Candidates are to upload video to the program webpage and get people to click ‘vote’ for their videos.

Application Deadline: 15th April

Number of Awardees: 18

Value of the Program: Full and partial scholarships are available

20.  IHE Delft Roth Fellowships for Female Water Professionals from sub-Saharan Africa
The Roth Family Foundation offers three full fellowships per year for IHE Delft Short Courses related to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, to female water professionals from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Application Deadline: 16th April.

Number of Awards: 3

Value of Award: The fellowship covers the costs of tuition fee, study related costs, insurance and a contribution towards the costs of living and travel.

21. American College of Surgeons (ACS)/College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) Women Scholars Program for sub-Saharan Africa.  Over 60 Fully Funded International

To help address the severe shortage of surgeons in Sub-Saharan Africa, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) have developed a scholarship program to support women in surgical residency, help them complete their training, and encourage other women in medicine to consider surgery as a profession.

Application Deadline: 1st April

Number of Awards: The number of awards will depend on quality of applications and available funds.

Value of Award: $2,500.


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