Important Questions You Must Ask Someone You Really Love To Know Whether They Love You Too
In dating relationship or marriage, there are some questions you need to ask your lover, please know when totally right to ask the questions. like this ………
“Are you happy with where our relationship is going?”
This is an important question that every couple should discuss at least annually. Review how things have been going between you two over the past few months and determine any mid-course corrections you need to make so that your relationship stays healthy and fulfilling.
1. If you wanted to change three things about me, what would they be?
2. Do you have something to say to me that you have been holding out?
3. Do you have anything in this relationship you regret?
4. Do you feel content or is there something missing?
5. Do you go to bed smiling and thinking about me? Please dont lie, tell me the truth..
6. Do you like the way I behave around you?