2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship in Children’s Librarianship Is On | Apply

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship in Children’s Librarianship is currently on going, kindly apply today and be accepted into one of the best citadel of learning

Deadline: November 1, 2019
: Victoria University of Wellington
New Zealand
: International Students
: Masters, PhD
: Library Management
: Partial Funding / Limited support

Scholarship Description:

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship in Children’s Librarianship is funded by Trustees of the National Library for International Students. The scholarship allows Masters, PhD level programm(s) in the field of Library Management taught at Victoria University of Wellington. The deadline of the scholarship is November 1, 2019

Scholarship Provider:

Victoria University of Wellington is offering Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship in Children’s Librarianship . You can check more scholarships from university : Victoria University of Wellington

Degree Level:

Hector Macaskill Memorial Scholarship in Children’s Librarianship is available to undertake Masters, PhD level programs at Victoria University of Wellington.

Available Subjects:

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.
Library Management

Eligible Nationalities: The scholarship is open to all nationalities students.

Eligibility Criteria:

The Scholarship shall be open to candidates who:

(a) in the year of tenure will be enrolled as Masters or PhD students undertaking a research degree in Library and Information Studies, AND
(b) intend to pursue a research topic in the field of library service or literature for children and young people.

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

In making the award the panel may take into consideration academic and professional Librarianship performance and such other factors as in their judgement are important in library work with children and young people.

Application Procedure:

* Applications on the prescribed form, which may be obtained from the Scholarships Officer, shall be made no later than 1 November.

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

* Candidates shall be selected for interview on their academic and professional Librarianship record.

Application Form Regulations

Selection Criteria:

The final award will be made by a panel consisting of the Vice-Chancellor (or his nominee)and the Head of the School of Information Management or their nominees.  2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

What conditions are attached to acceptance of this award?

2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

In addition to the copies of the thesis deposited in the University Library the candidate is asked to deposit a copy with the Trustees of the National Library to be stored in the School Library Service under the same conditions as it is in the University Library and/or make a separate report to the Trustees of the National Library.

Who else has information about this award?

Scholarship Link

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2019 Hector Macaskill Memorial

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