The actress was first linked to an aide to Vice President Sambo’s aide, Umar Sani. She reportedly married him while his now late wife, Hajiya Sahura Umar was receiving treatment at an hospital in Egypt but she later debunked it.
The wedding reportedly held in January 2013.
However, sources close to Umar Sani says that Nkiru broke up with him less than two weeks after their secret traditional marriage because she’s afraid of sharing Sani’s bed with another woman.
Sadly Umar lost his 32-year-old wife in June 2013 close to six months after Nkiru left him.
Several months later, Stanley Duru came back into her life and she accepted to marry him but when Oge Okoye’s people told her the kind of man Stanley Duru is, she was said to have called off the marriage at the last minute.
A source close to Nkiru said the actress told family members that she would rather remain single for life than to marry a womaniser like Stanley Duru and that was how her marriage plan was cancelled at the last minute.
Nkiru Sylvanus Awards