
Meet 10 Female Celebrities Who Don’t Wear Underwears – PLZ Don’t Open If You Can’t Handle It (Photos)

Selena Gomez is a young, talented and undeniably beautiful superstar, who is under the scrutiny of the public all the time. Young confident pa and her magnificent body, though, are often criticized by the public. Gomez loves herself and loves to show her charms, including not cramped bra, but still, nobody complains!

2. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is a beautiful and talented winner of the highest award of the Academy. It is true, but she has got into our list not due to this fact.

Lawrence is a sample of female strength. This actress is very confident, loves her body and does not see any problem in not wearing a bra under the cameras, on the covers of magazines or just walking the city streets.

1. Rihanna

When it comes to celebrities without bras, Princess Rea’s name comes to mind first of all. We are not really sure whether Rihanna has ever worn it. Rihanna loves herself, her body and that the whole world admires her. She has a risky and provocative style.

The celebs, who don’t wear underwear, are often in news due to their appearance. Do they do it for purpose? Only they know it!

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