
Meet 10 Female Celebrities Who Don’t Wear Underwears – PLZ Don’t Open If You Can’t Handle It (Photos)

The Talented, irresistible, hot and confident – that’s why Olivia does not wear a bra. Sensational beauty and one of the [email protected]:’iest women in Hollywood knows about her appearance. Countless carpet appearances without a bra have proved that Olivia does not need it. It makes her worthy of universal admiration!

6. Miranda Kerr

There is a suspicion that if you earn on wearing bras, you get tired of them very quickly – that’s why the next superstar has entered this list. Miranda Kerr became famous for being a model for Victoria’s Secret, and over the years she has become one of the most beloved of all the angels of the brand.

Kerr has indisputable beauty and self-confidence. She is often seen in countless bras and underwear. However, outside the catwalk supermodel prefers not to wear bras, and a lot of people (especially men) would prefer to see her like this all the time.

5. Gwyneth Paltrow


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