
Meet 10 Female Celebrities Who Don’t Wear Underwears – PLZ Don’t Open If You Can’t Handle It (Photos)

At the same time, the celebrities always have an opinion on any aspect of life, especially the way they are dressed. Kylie puts on rather provocative (for her age) clothes, and of course, often does not wear a bra.

8. Mariah Carey

Carey is a famous pa with even more famous voice. She is undoubtedly one of the most talented singers of our generation, and she has been glowing in glory and success for decades.

Mariah has always differed because of the love to her body and has not hesitated to show it. The singer often shows a very deep neckline, which does not have any bra. Although motherhood has reflected in the appearance of Carey, she still wears no bra, just pure glamor.

7. Olivia Wilde


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