Embrace Greek Yogurt
Snacking on yogurt with live cultures helps boost the good bacteria in your h.oo-ha, which, as you know, is all around fantastic for preventing annoying vag.in.al problems like ye.ast infections, says Minkin.
Just be careful that you’re not noshing on the super-sugary kind, because that could make you more susceptible to those infections.
Always Go To Your Annual Exam
Although new guidelines advise against annual pe,lvic exams if you’re symptom-free and not pregnant, a visit to your doctor isn’t just about poking around your la.dy parts, says Minkin. “I think an annual exam is important for talking about health problems,” she says.
Using this time to chat about using con.do.ms, fertility, and any random se.x questions you might have is just as important as checking for STDs. So before you switch up your doctor visits, have a conversation about it with him or her first.
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