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Ladies Here’s How To Get A Bigger B00tt And Wider Hips Fast And Natural Ways

Basic Donkey Kicks

For wider hips, another effective exercise is the basic donkey kick. As this simple exercise strengthens your gluteus muscles, it helps you enjoy bigger buttocks, too.

Get down on a mat on your hands and knees.
Keeping your head straight, position your hands below your shoulders and keep your knees and hips aligned.

Now, lift your right leg up, keeping the rest of the body as it is.
Stretch your foot as much as you can, without moving your body.

Return to the starting position.

Perform the same steps with the left leg.
Do at least 8 repetitions on both legs.
Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.

Diet Tips for a Bigger Butt and Wider Hips

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