Why I’ve Never Been Married – 36 Years Old Actress, Nkiru Sylvanus Opens Up (Video)

There Have Been Several Reports On You Being Married. Is There Any Truth To Those Reports?

We need to ask the rumour mongers because I am as confused as you are. It’s all rumours from idle people. It’s all lies. For me, my private life is my personal affairs. So whatever decision I take tomorrow, it’s totally my responsibility. If it turns sour, I face it alone and if it turns sweet, I face it. It’s my life. I do what makes me happy.

I’ve been married on the internet more than three times! They first got me married in 2008, then they got me married again in 2011 and then they got me married again in 2014/2015.

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I’m beginning to ask, why do they like to get me married? If I was already married in 2008 and in 2011, why again should I be getting married in 2015?

That means they were all lies. It’s all rumours. Some people will report this stuff like they know you when they only see you on TV.

But There Were Reports That You Got Married To Your Colleague’s Hubby?

Which colleague? Because the last time I checked I am not married to anybody’s husband.

It is believed that you got your political appointment because of your personal relationship with the governor. And you left because of his wife. How true is this?

The appointment is like employment. You are employed to work, not to sit and eat. You work to put food on your table and also acquire more knowledge.

An appointment isn’t an achievement that one would sit back and beat his chest to say I have arrived. What could be so special with ‘come and work’ that people will make so much fuss about it?

We should focus our energy on more productive things. My boss is my boss, nothing more and the wife is like a mother to me.

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