As the HIV infection develops in the body, flu like symptoms can appear. One of the most annoying and notable symptoms is night sweats. The sufferer may go to bed at a good temperature, but through the night may experience widely ranging body temperatures, going from very cold to very hot quite quickly.
The physical response of the body is to pour sweat to regulate the temperature. The person may wake up soaking wet and have to change their sheets and clothing.
12. Cold Sores
Cold sores can be a symptom of HIV. Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex virus. It can occur as genital, rectal, or oral herpes.
Anyone can be infected with herpes, regardless of their HIV status. Those who are infected with HIV and have cold sores may suffer from recurrent outbreaks of the herpes virus.
13. None
The most dangerous symptom of HIV is having none at all. Many of those infected do not know they are. This can be particularly dangerous as the person may continue to have unprotected se.x, potentially spreading the disease.
In 2001, it is estimated that less than 1% of the population has been tested for HIV. In South Africa, it is estimated that over 5 million people are infected. If you think you are at risk for HIV, get tested right away.