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Ghana Pastor: ‘Drift From Bible, Says During S3x Satisfy Your Woman; Myself I Use 55 S3x Styles In Bed’

Prophet Kumchacha added that Christian men should put Christianity aside during s£xual interc0urse with their wives. He went on and bragged that he has about 55 different ‘Atopa’ styles which he uses to bang the ‘hell’ out of his wife during s£xual interc0urse.

“Every human being has a style he or she prefers during s*x. For me, I have 55 s*x styles and when I meet you in bed I will unleash them to satisfy you”, Prophet Kumchacha disclosed.

He concluded by advising men of God to put the Bible aside during s£xual interc0urse with their wives and bang them to their satisfaction.

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