Relationship Remedy

Check Out 15 Important things you should never say to a woman – #3 and #1 can make her run away from you

Covering it up with “oh, no, I was just wondering,” isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card either. She’s going to wonder why you were inquiring about what she was wearing in the first place, and most likely end up changing and checking with you on everything she tries to wear in the near future.
12. Anything about other women

No matter how long you’ve been with a girl, talking about or complimenting other women when your girlfriend is around is never okay. You could have a totally down-to-earth girl who claims that she doesn’t get jealous, but at the end of the day, she does (even if she doesn’t show it).

Talking about how hot a friend of hers is or visibly checking out another woman in front of your spouse is not going to get you points at all. Not only is this incredibly insensitive, but you’re making it seem as if she’s not enough for you – so just don’t do it. Ever.

11. “Are you wearing makeup?”

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