Relationship Remedy

Check Out 15 Important things you should never say to a woman – #3 and #1 can make her run away from you

Trust us, dudes, these little hints will save you so many headaches.

15. “K.”

Texting or talking through email can often get messy. Obviously, readers aren’t able to interpret tone through texts and emails, so things can often be taken the wrong way even if it wasn’t meant to be hurtful or argumentative.

One word that will always pluck a string with a woman though, is “K.” “K,” is the last thing you want to send a woman, unless she’s telling you she’s on her way to your house or something.

“K” makes it seem like you’re angry, or you’re trying to end the conversation in a rude way. It’s almost always interpreted negatively, so it’s best just to wipe the response from your brain altogether.

Things you should never say to a woman: For many years now, men and women have been coexisting pretty successfully (for the most part).

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