Relationship Remedy

Check Out 15 Important things you should never say to a woman – #3 and #1 can make her run away from you

4. “Whatever”

Regardless of if it’s in person or over text messaging, telling a girl “whatever” is not smart. Saying “whatever” is the ultimate eff you without actually saying eff you. Not only that, but it automatically makes it seem like you don’t care about what she’s saying or what you two are arguing about. Even if a woman is reiterating a point that’s already been made, “whatever” isn’t the correct response, ever. It’s better to just stay silent and let her carry on rather than saying whatever.

3. “You don’t look THAT fat”

Talking about a woman’s weight or figure is a battlezone. There are so many things that could go wrong, and she might actually explode if you word something the wrong way or look at a certain part of her body that she’s insecure with for too long.

When a girl is trying something on or getting your opinion on an outfit she’s wearing and suggests that something “makes her look so fat,” it’s the man’s job to tell her she looks wonderful and furiously deny that she could ever look fat.

Saying “you don’t look THAT fat” implies that she looks kind of fat and that’s going to be locked in her brain for weeks to come – and she won’t let you forget it, either.

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