
Alexander McTaggart Scholarships To International Students 2019 | Apply Now

Alexander McTaggart Scholarships To International Students 2019 is currently on, check if your country appear on this list of countries and apply with immediate effect

Deadline: June 15, 2019
: Australian National University

: International Students should be enrolled already
: Bachelor
: Cancer Studies

: Partial Funding / Limited support $7,000 per annum + relocation allowance

Scholarship Description:
Alexander McTaggart Honours Scholarships 2019 is funded by University for International Students should be enrolled already. The scholarship allows Bachelor level programm(s) in the field of Cancer Studies taught at Australian National University . The deadline of the scholarhip is June 15, 2019

Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

This scholarship is offered by the ANU College of Health and Medicine.

Availablr Subject: Medical Science (Honours) relating to cancer research with the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR).

Scholarship Benefits: In addition to the stipend, a relocation allowance of up to $4,000 is available for Alexander McTaggart Memorial Scholarship holders recruited from outside the ACT Region. The allowance will usually be paid as reimbursement of actual costs for approved travel.

Eligible Nationalites: Any Nationality student is eligible to appply.

Eligibility Criteria: A fourth year (Honours) student undertaking a project related to cancer research and allied fields at the John Curtin School of Medical Research.

Application Procedure: If apply for a JCSMR Honours scholarship you must be enrolled in the Medical Research Honours specialisation, you must ensure your eligibility for enrolment with the relevant department (e.g Cancer Biology and Therapeutics, Immunology and Infectious Disease Genome Sciences & Neuroscience).

Application form

Meanwhile; top 10 In Demand Jobs in Canada available to International job seekers including Nigerians, please take advantage of this oppournity and fix yourself today, the Canadian government continues to have serious concerns about the country’s labour shortfall. According to studies, the Canadian labour market is dependent on significant immigration to fill the gap. In 2023, immigration will be crucial for filling critical positions and addressing the labour shortage.  Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

The Canadian government will continue to work towards this objective until 2023 and beyond. There is a significant need for competent people to fill the almost one million open positions. In 2023, it is anticipated that foreign applicants with experience in in-demand professions will have excellent employment prospects in Canada and may make compelling cases for admission to programmes for skilled immigrants.  Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

Which jobs are in demand in terms of immigration can be determined by looking at targeted Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draws across Canada. Careers in the medical field, the technology industry, and the scientific fields are typically in great demand across the nation. Many provinces have held targeted PNP draws to entice additional health care workers to Canada as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, which has increased demand for numerous health care professions.  Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

The top 10 positions that will be in high demand until 2023 are listed below!

A. Registered Nurse (RN)
Careers in the healthcare industry are still in high demand in several Canadian provinces. The Covid-19 outbreak has caused a severe shortage of nurses, and many provinces have held targeted PNP draws for registered nurses.

With the increasing need for nurses, there are also a number of immigration options open to international candidates with nursing expertise to persuade them to think about immigrating to Canada.  Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

Annual Salary Average: $70,975
Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon are the provinces with the highest salaries.
Bachelor’s degree and registration with a provincial or territorial regulatory body are the minimum educational requirements.

B. Web Developers
A specialist involved in the creation of websites and applications is known as a web developer. The range of projects that one would have the opportunity to work on can typically be quite broad.  Alexander McTaggart Scholarships

Tech workers who want to immigrate to Canada have several possibilities because to the country’s thriving tech sector. Web developers now have a reliable route to getting a work permit for Canada thanks to Canada’s Global Talent Stream. Also, there are a number of Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) choices available for applicants with experience in various fields of work.

Average Annual Salary: $72,627

Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba are the three provinces that pay the most.
Bachelor’s degree is the bare minimum education. Continue reading here


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